Le Comparateur d'Assurance #1 AU QUÉBEC

Insurance for adventurers

Publié le par Jessica Goulet

The Wild Raven Challenge

As the Wild Raven Team begins its epic voyage across Canada in a canoe, all our thoughts and prayers go to Jennifer Gosselin, Pierre Pépin and their loyal canine companion Jasmine who will travel 14 000 km over the next eighteen months. 

Our ambitious trailblazers confided that the trip wasn’t their only challenge. It would appear that getting insurance when you’re an adventurer is even more challenging. We’ve accepted this challenge and will dedicate the next few articles to Wild Raven and to the pursuit of insurance for the world-weary traveller wherever you may roam. 

Leaving the nest

So you’re planning to hit the road and never look back. Congratulations! Now, let’s talk about your plans: Are you renting? You’ll store your stuff in a warehouse or at a friend’s home. You own a house or an apartment? You won’t want to leave the house empty this whole time so you’ll probably ask a friend to move in, or you’ll lease it out. You might also have to store some of your extras away.

And what about your car: Will you sell it, lend it or give it away? Don’t forget to get travel insurance as well, and liability coverage, adapted to the kind of trip you are planning… 

A few forget-me-nots

Your personal property is only covered for the first 30 days when it is stored in a secure location. That means you need specific insurance coverage for longer periods of time. If your stuff is stored elsewhere, on someone’s property, they can choose to include this in their policy voluntarily, but your coverage will only be as good as theirs is.

If you are planning to rent your dwelling or have a friend move in, you’ll have to change your policy to reflect these changes in order to avoid problems during a claim. 

You’ll need to add a driver to your auto insurance if you are leaving it behind in someone’s care, or change your policy to increase your coverage if you’re planning a road trip.

Finally you’ll need to get specialized travel insurance today for any health care costs not covered by the provincial plan, and liability coverage if you don’t have home insurance anymore.

One stop shop for all your insurance needs

We’ll go into all the necessary details in the next articles. Meanwhile, no need to wait! Try our online quote and compare coverage and prices. ClickInsurance is your one stop shop to help you save on insurance.

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*Autorisations :
J’autorise ClicAssure à recueillir et à partager mes renseignements personnels avec certains de ses partenaires d’affaires susceptibles de me transmettre une soumission d’assurance. J'autorise également ClicAssure et ses partenaires à me contacter par courriel, texto, téléphone ou courrier pour répondre à ma demande ou finaliser ma soumission.
Je consens aussi à ce que ClicAssure et ses partenaires recueillent, utilisent, partagent et conservent mes renseignements personnels afin de :
• Créer et mettre à jour mon profil ;
• Évaluer les produits et services qu'ils peuvent m’offrir ;
• Obtenir mon avis sur mes interactions avec eux ou sur leurs produits et services ;
• Mener des études et créer des modèles statistiques ;
• Me fournir des recommandations personnalisées ;
• Remplir leurs obligations légales.

Si j'accepte une offre d'un partenaire de ClicAssure, j'autorise ce partenaire à en informer ClicAssure afin de mettre à jour mon dossier.
Enfin, je consens à ce que ClicAssure partage mes renseignements personnels avec des intermédiaires de soumission tels qu’Applied Systems. Ces derniers sont soumis aux mêmes exigences en matière de sécurité et de protection des renseignements personnels que ClicAssure. Dans le cadre de leurs activités, ils peuvent utiliser et conserver certains de mes renseignements, entre autres pour améliorer la performance, l'efficacité, la fiabilité et la sécurité de leurs produits.

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